
Can you use a energy efficient bulb for baby chickens?

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I just got week old baby chickens, and was told they need a 75watt bulb to keep them warm. Can i use an energy efficient bulb or does it need to be the old style bulb?




  1. How old are they. As long as they dont need heat that is fine.

  2. I supose any bulb will do...but pls check with the vet who will be a better person to suggest....

  3. Usually You need a heat lamp and bulb that you can pick up at any pet store.Depending on where your chicks are and the temperature in your area you may not need any heat on them now unless it gets cool at night.My chicks are in a brooder outside and since it so warm I usually dont use lamps in the summer, only at night for the first couple of weeks then none at all.Good luck!

  4. It has to be an old style incandescent bulb.  What is needed isn't the light that the bulb produces, but the heat.  

    Incandescent bulbs use a tungsten filament that glows red hot when voltage is applied.  The only reason it doesn't burn out is that there is a vacuum in the bulb and there is no air for combustion.

    The new CFC bulbs are just really small florescent tubes twisted around into the shape of an old style bulb.  The heat they produce is minimal, which is why they are energy efficient...they don't lose energy in the conversion to light and heat; just light.

  5. As long as the bulb can produce the amount of heat that the chickens need then, yes you could use energy efficient bulbs.  I don't know if they do heat up as much though.  Put a thermometer a little ways underneath the bulb you are planning on using and see if the temp is hot enough.

  6. Its not down to the wattage thats needed but the amout of heat the bulb gives out. You will find a low energy bulb will give out much less heat than a standard old style bulb. I tend to use a 60w or 100w depending on the size and number of chicks. I've stopped using the large red lamp while I've been rearing smaller numbers as its a waste of energy.

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