
Can you use a home pregnancy test on a dog?

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my mother seems to think ours is, would that work?




  1. im pretty sure you cant its meant for humans not animals but sure try lol see if it works!!!lol


  3. I don't know why people are being so rude to you, it seems like a legit question if you think about it. home pregnancy tests work test hormones from the pee correct? so why not for dogs.

    Meh google it

  4. no it wont your best of getting a scan done

  5. When my dogs miss their periods, I use them. I also let them drive my car.  

  6. I use them all the time on my pet! We check to see if our male dog is pregnant once month!

  7. No it doesn't work

  8. No there are different hormones that the test pick up's just like you couldn't use animal urine for your test.....LOL but true

  9. No it does not work, its meant for humans, not dogs.

  10. Oh lookie!

    A BYB/Puppy Mill!

    Get your dog spayed.

    For every *one* puppy your two mongrels have *nine* will die in shelters.

    Can you sleep at night knowing an innocent dogs died due to YOUR stupidity?


    "They're just puppies"

    No, they're a LIFE. They have FEELINGS just like you.(or unlike you, you seem to be a TAD coldhearted)

    You're a sick human, you know that?

    Stay in school, you need all the education you can get.

    I love my dogs too! Thats why I got them spayed. You know you put them at an 80% risk for cancer unaltered?

    Just because you're little 15 year old self wants some cute puppies to take care of doesn't give you any right to be breeding.



  12. its SPAYED. So what if they are pure bred. Weight? Build? Have they each earned at least one CH in conformation? Are they from champion and proven lines? Are they old enough? Health tested and genetically screened?

    Have they been tested YEARLY for

        *  Progressive Retinal Atrophy

        * Juvenile Cataracts

        * Entropion

    What about hip and renal dysplasia?


    Bile Acid?

    Thyroid disorders?

    Are the both UTD on their shots?

    Oh wait you are on here asking and asking if a pregnancy test made for humans will work for a dog >.< Go and get your ***** spayed and your male neutered.  

  13. no, you can not. you will have to take your dog to the vet they can do an ultrasound on her. so you wont have to just find out threw the spaying. i wish that people were not such a******s. things do accidentally happen. i wish you luck if you do have the puppies its allot of work! but also a fun rewarding experience! =)

  14. Sure, you can use one, but it won't tell you anything.

    Bring the dog to the vet and get her spayed.  Once it's done, the vet can tell you whether or not she was pregnant.

    2million + dogs are killed in shelters each year.  By allowing her to give birth, you add exponentially to that.

    Added:  Oh, so you are a backyard breeder small scale puppy mill.  Just FYI, 25% of dogs killed in shelters are "prue breed" (sic) also.  All the dogs that will be killed in shelters because of your irresponsibility thank you.

    Don't believe me that you are a bad unethical breeder?

    Will you believe the AKC?

    How bout the American Shih Tzu Club?

    Are you in a puppy lemon law state?  If so, what are you going to do when you get sued because the dogs are filled with genetic diseases?

    PS - my name says it all.

    Added II:

    We are really mean?  

    You know what's really mean?

    Breeding pet dogs when so many die in shelters.

    Get a life?  

    Part of my life is fostering "prue-breed" (sic) dogs that have been dumped.  ALL of them come from breeders like you.  

    I don't understand?  Then explain it to me.  Read the links above and then explain it to me.  Please.  I want to understand.  

    Wanna see how "prue-breed" dogs from breeders like you end up?  These are 3 chihuahuas from a BYB that have no front legs.  Why?  Because their "prue-breed" parents weren't breeding quality.

  15. NO!

    The home pregnancy test reads the levels of HCg, which stands for Human chorionic gonadotropin.  This is a hormone that is secreted during pregnancy.  It is NOT a hormone shared by dogs.

    For more info on HCg:

  16. No, those tests test for female human pregnacy hormones, dogs would have separate hormones.

  17. If you refuse to get your dog SPAYED, then you need to cough up the money for an appropriate pregnancy exam done by the dog's vet. If she is pregnant,  Please make the vet appointment now to make sure your dog gets all the appropriate attention she needs. Ask them to recommend some books on how to prepare, or better yet, see if they know of any breeding mentors you can consult with.

    You'll need to learn how to whelp a litter, and be prepared to LOSE money, not make any.No one in their right mind will pay top dollar for poorly bred Shih Tzus. Hope it all works out OK.  

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