
Can you use a hydrogen booster if you are running Ethanol (E85)?

by  |  earlier

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I am making a homemade Hydrogen booster for my car, It should boost the mileage somewhat. My question is can I use a hydrogen booster if I convert to ethanol? I am thinking that this could counter act the lower fuel economy of ethanol. Thank You




  1. hydrogen boosters don't work.

  2. HHO

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    Does help 30% better mileage

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    It mixes with the gasoline you are using so it takes some of the work off the gasoline

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    Yes you can use the Hydrogen booster with any fuel diesel gasoline ethanol

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    The engine only know that what is being put into the pistons will explode what it is made of or where it comes from the piston don't care

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    Just so long as the spark or the compression will make it go

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  3. I don't see why not.

    However, those hydrogen boosters don't work. I've seen numerous reports from a variety of sources that attest to that. The only people I have heard that actually say that hydrogen booster work are the people who make them. Recently ABC did a report on wich "magic economy device" actually worked and hydrogen booster were not one of them. I even think the Mythbusters proved they don't work. If you have an FFV that was actually one of the good designs (not an early Ford) you should only lose a few mpgs on a bad day so you won't really have anything to make up for.

  4. Those don't actually work.

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