
Can you use a persons information even if their incarcerated?

by  |  earlier

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do creditors know when a person is incarcerated when applying for a credit card? or you still can or they deny you???




  1. you're not supposed to use anyone else's "information."  Period.

  2. You are not allowed to apply for credit in anyones name but your own, unless you have a court other giving you the right. If the person who is incarcerated is allowed to apply by the warden then he or she may do so and put the address that they are at and income of $0.00. I doubt they would get credit with no income tho. I hope this helps.

  3. Well the answer is obvious, if they are incarcerated, they can not pay their bills, and have no income, so the CRA's are bound to find out sooner or later.'

    If you use their information to obtain credit, then you might become their cell mate!!!!

  4. If you have power of attorney, and you actually put down factual information like their address at prison, their income $0, it is fine.

    Otherwise you are involved either in identity theft or credit card fraiud.

  5. When you apply for a credit card, you have to list where you work and how much salary you make. I don't think an incarcerated person would be able to answer those questions.

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