
Can you use a racquetball racquet to play tennis?

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I thought I had two tennis rackets just hanging on my wall all these years, with no one to use them. So I finally felt like playing tennis, and when I checked out the rackets, I realized that one of them was a little smaller then the other, and had the name "Cliff Swain" on it. I searched him up and realized it was a racquetball racket.

So, can I play tennis with a racquetball racket? They're both Wilson and it seems the only difference is one's smaller.....and if I can't, how much does it cost to buy a good tennis racket?




  1. No because the tension you need in a tennis racquet is much greater than in a racquetball racquet. Using a racquetball racquet will cause you to have no pace on your shots and you will most likely breaks the strings. Go to a ***** or Dunhams, or whatever sporting good store is near you, you will be able to find a decent racquet for under $50.

  2. I don't suggest it. I had a similar situation before and the raqet was damaged.

    I'm sure there's a decent price range. It depends on what you mean by "good". You can always go on ebay or craigslist or whatever.

  3. i don't think so every sport has its own equipments

  4. NO. Its too small, and the strings aren't right for hitting a tennis ball.  It would probably break the racquet.  

    A very good tennis racket would be $175, but you could get a decent one for $100.  You can get a crappy one at K-Mart for $10.  Just saying.

  5. Definitely don't us the racquetball racket. The strength of the strings will be different because a racquetball a thinner rubber and smaller and a tennis ball is bigger and a thinker rubber. If you are thinking of taking up tennis recreational maybe a few times a month walmart or target have a least 4 or 5 to pick from for about 20 to 30 dollars but if you are planning on taking it up competivly or taking lessions you should find a shop only dedicated to tennis in your area or research rackets on line but i would recommend buy one on line because you will need to get a fell for it handle sizes are measured by the size of your hand and some people  prefere heavy racket and others like light ones as for prices if by good you mean the kind the pros's use expect 200 - 500 the most resent racket i got was a Prince air light for 250 and a friend has a few Babalot's that range between 275 - 350. I hope this helps.

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