
Can you use a semicolon in a compound complex sentence?

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EXP - While ignoring her own needs, she became more worried about the welfare of the children; she was always known to be altruistic.




  1. Yes.  Your sentence is correct as written.  It would also be correct to put a period after "children" and start a new sentence with "She."

  2. Yes.  Your conventions and sentence structure in this example is correct.  Using a semicolon where you have placed it transitions and flows better to the next idea because it is connected to the idea previously stated.  Although placing a period after "children" and beginning a new sentence with the latter part is correct, the second would-be sentence would be very abrupt, short, and lacking complexity and variety.  

    Great job.

  3. yup, thats the best place to use them for a break in the middle of an otherwise long or run-on sentence.

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