
Can you use an LCR in wall Speaker as a Center Channel?

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I just had custom cabinets installed and my AV guy is suggesting a Proficient Audio LCR in-wall speaker as a center channel. Seems odd to me as it isn't specifically a "center channel" speaker.

Is this common? Can you use an LCR Proficient Audio speaker as a center channel? Am I losing anything by doing it this way?






  1. it will work fine, however, center channel speakers are commonly placed on top of tv sets, therefore center channel speakers are magnetically shielded to prevent discoloration on tube tv s, if you have a tube tv and are planning to put the speaker on top of it make sure it is magnetically shielded, otherwise it will mess up the color on your tv,

  2. Wait -

    This can actually work well as long as all your other speakers are "Proficient Audio LCR speakers".  (You did not tell us that in your post.)

    The goal is that sounds should not shift tone when they move from speaker to speaker.  A set of 5 identical speakers (even less accurate/less expensive ones) gives a great movie experience.

    And "LCR" usually means "Left", "CENTER", and "Right".

  3. You can use any speaker for any purpose you choose. The recommended use is to have your 3 front speakers identical and I have discovered this myself. I swapped my "center channel speaker" for one of the surround speakers which in my system I have 4 identical speakers and the one "center" speaker. I was blown away by how much better matched speakers sounded than using that junk center speaker. I banished it to surround duty, lol.

  4. I like the two way LCR...if they made a 6 or 8 inch with a tweeter, I'd go for that too...the overall design of the LCR is why he suggested it, adjustable tweeter in it...

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