
Can you use an artboard to surf?

by  |  earlier

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this might be a dumb question but if I didn't ask I wouldn't know

are art boards strictly for display?

or can you use them like a regular surf board?

I only have a generic *** board

so I don't know anything about art boards




  1. I've been surfing for a while, but I still wouldn't try it.  You'd probably do some damage to ur body.

  2. I'm not sure I know what an artboard is. I once tried to float on an easel, but it didn't work out and I  was muddied and bitten by fish. I'm never moving back to New Orleans.

  3. Um well... I'd assume that the frame of the canvas might not support  the weight of a person and it's also not as ergonomically designed as a surf board, and not to mention the fact that it would sink. My :(

  4. to tell you the truth, i really dont know, but that is a possibility, but yet they might not be sturdy enough, if you where going to, i wouldnt try it.

    good Luck!!!

  5. you can try.

    but it probably wouldnt hold.

    Dont go anywhere big if you are going to try.

  6. I'll point out some rather simple things to understand...

    art board: is for art

    surf board: is for surfing

    ironing board: is for ironing

    chess board: is for playing chess

    cutting board: is for cutting

    emory board: is for filing nails shouldn't use an art board for about a SURF BOARD???

    Oh...on the scale of "dumb questions" score a 10!

    Posted later...Oh I're willing to take this "art board" (a surf board with drawings and paintings on it) out and surf...What do you think the artist would say???  Did you actually pay $$ for the "art board"?? and you're willing to ruin it for a bit of fun...?????

  7. Boards with elaborate designs can be seen in surf magazines every now and then.  They're super expensive, and usually reserved for pro surfers.

    Anyone else riding that doesn't rip, reeks of kook if you're riding an extremely elaborately painted board.  It comes across as "Gee, how much did that guy pay for that?  Probably should have paid for some surf lessons".

    Now, I'm not talking about "retro" paint jobs like you see on twinnies and quads.

    But if you painted your board yourself, that's always a good route. Check out the links below.

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