
Can you use biofuels in any car?

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does it have to be a specifically enfineered car to take a homemade fuel or can i use any old car? can hybrid cars run on biofuel?




  1. you need to check with the manufacture to see what it can and cannot run on it's the only way to be sure

  2. Hi guitar_lady81,

    I just answered your 2nd question 1st.  So please see that one.  The easiest car for you to get started with would be a 1980's Volkswagen or Mercedes diesel.  They can both be found for sale for under $2000.  Without getting into details, the engine can handle a "beginner" a lot easier than todays engines with very high direct injection pressures.

    I recommend the diesels to get started, because it is a fair amount easier to acquire used cooking oil from restaurants, than used ethanol from bars.  :)

  3. Any diesel car can use any mix of biodiesel and diesel.

    Only cars built to be "E85 Flex-fuel" can use E85.

    Now, if you're very good with carbs or fuel injection, you could modify a non-flex-fuel car to run E85 only.  That means you could never run gas in it (without modifying it back.)

    Diesel and biodiesel are 100% compatible.  They have the same energy volume (kaboom per CC of fuel).   Gas and ethanol are not :( and since hypothetically ANY blend of ethanol vs. gas could be in your tank, the fuel system has to be able to deal with that.

    Anyway you said "homemade fuel" and biodiesel is much easier to homebrew than ethanol.

  4. no, the car needs to have a diesel engine and be modified to use biofuel. since no hybrid cars have diesel engines they cant be modified in this way.

  5. no;yes;no

  6. You can run diesel cars on cooking oil without modifications. Not sure if that's what you would consider "biofuel," though.

  7. Yes, with some minor modifications. Biodiesel runs in diesel cars, I believe without mods. But you need to rejet carburetted cars, and change the computer program on fuel injected methanol/ethanol/E85 cars.

  8. yes you can i watch a show that this one person has a biofuel car

  9. only diesel cars can run on biodiesel, the reason why most diesel cars CAN'T run on biofuel is simply because the biofuel is so clean, it actually cleans your engine and causes all the caked up bits from diesel around the engine to break loose and to cause clogage.

    Other wise it is cheap to clean it out replace all the seals, so it is able to run just on biofuel. Very cheap to convert any car.

    So you could run a new diesel car just off biofuel as it wouldnt have all the dirt build ups from diesel.

    They only make hybrids to run on petrol, however hybrids use so little fuel and there are ways to "hack" them so they can run just off the electricity grid, it is even cleaner than biodiesel as biodiesel still does create emissions,

    however it is like burning wood the amount of carbon released has been sequestered by the tree's over their lifetime.

    Texas has even gone one step further and has banned biodiesel which is pretty harsh, as it was about to be one of the largest biodiesel economies in the U.S.

    Simply as the city has too much of a smog problem, as opposed to caring about global warming.

    It was pointed out to me that I have been only talking of biofuel diesel, biodiesel which can be homemade,,...

    Biofuels are very compatable with standard petrol cars often there will be an option for 10% ethanol at petrol stations....

    There is a lot of R&D going in this field at the moment, manyof our buses in Melbourne run just off Ethanol and some cities have made it mandatory,

    Although ethanol is the by product of sugar process and bagasse.....

    So unless you grow sugar fields it is not very localised most of the time,,,

    However biodiesel can be made from a range of byproducts from animal fats to corn crops to marijuana crops produced specifically for biodiesel energy crops. (One of the highest energy fastest growing crops believe it or not)

    Thanks hope this is clear.

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