
Can you use chopsticks when eating food?

by  |  earlier

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Me can, just wondering if you could.




  1. Barely.  I once had those training connected ones.  I'll stick with a fork!  

  2. i can =]

    its funny watching my mum use them lol

  3. hardly

  4. No.  I'm absolutely useless with anything fiddly like that.  Take my fork away and I'd have to use my fingers.

  5. when i was  in the navy i spent 6 months in the orient had to learn how to use chop sticks

  6. I've never really tried before, but if I did, I doubt it.

  7. yep

  8. I can

  9. its too hard to eat small stuff..i have no patience

  10. yeah i do its just depends on what you eat like soup you cant use chopsticks but other food you can!

  11. of course, soup is a little hard tho LOL

  12. Yup.  Can't eat a plate lunch without chopsticks; it just wouldn't be right.

  13. all the time. i love my hello kitty ones

  14. Sometimes I use them because I want to - not because I have to.

    It seems 'more civilized' and neater than stabbing and poking with forks.

    People who say they can't would be surprised how quickly they'd learn when they're hungry. Or REALLY hungry!


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