
Can you use laptops and cameras on an airplane?

by Guest10666  |  earlier

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im leaving to tonight




  1. Yes, but only during level flight - not during take off and landing - and there are no power jacks.

  2. I don't think cameras have been forbidden on flights yet but i just don't see it being necessary on a flight (people might think it suspicious, i wouldn't, but in this day and age you'd never know whats going through peoples heads). And laptops are allowed but make sure the wireless switch or adapter is turned off (pretty sue that's always been the rule). Any device that is emitting wireless signals or others along those lines is not permitted in flight unless the wireless, blue-tooth or whatever is turned off.

    Have fun on your flight, if you can get a rubiks cube they're really good for passing time.

  3. Yes.

  4. yes you can, although not during take-off and landing, only during cruise, providing that you don't use a wireless mouse.

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