
Can you use normal gloss paint to paint a yacht?

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I know about the anti fouling paint, but I want to paint the hull above that part. The hull is fibre glass and is already painted, I just want to change the colour.




  1. you would be best painting it with gel cote

    that is the part of the fibre glass that is waterproof

  2. Yes, buy marine paint - but here's the advice - don't buy it at the marina - buy at a chandlery shop elsewhere - my local one is 30% cheaper.

  3. Yes, but it won't last and isn't very abrasion resistant. You do not want to use Gelcoat either...jeez, dumb answer.

    At the very least get a single part Polyurethane...sure there paints of this type available at the hardware store, however I recommend something from Interlux at your boat store or chandlers. Anybody at your local paint store or hardware should be able to point you to a good quality single part Polyurethane...let them know you are painting plastic(polyester gelcoat) and they can council you as to the need of a primer and the appropriate one...primer is best, by the way...simply mix some top coat with it 50/50 for a colour prime...sand it with 320 then top coat.

    I recommend a foam roller and 10% appropriate thinners for top coats.

    Also...I have painted a few small boats with Krylon Fushion (for Plastics) and they look mint after final sanding of 1500 and a compound buff and subsequent wax.

    Good luck

    The ultimate would be 2 part polyurethane which is very dangerous if inhaled and so I don't recomment it.

  4. Yes you can but the best stuff is 2-pack as it is harder and longer lasting.  Better to buy marine quality paint in any case than a household one which will not wear well.

  5. yes you can, go to a shop that tints paint and go for it

  6. YES U CAN

  7. Don't think that would work, it would start to peel off very soon afterwards...

  8. You can if you want but it wouldn't last very long, what with the salt water and bumps and everything

  9. Yes but it will not last long.

  10. Yes you can  but it might not last as long as marine paint

  11. Spoke to a friend who owns a yatcht building company on the Isle of Wight, apparently no, normal gloss wont bond to fibreglass properly and isn't flexible enough and will flake in a matter of days.

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