
Can you use pay pal via gumtree? I think I'm being conned!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have put an add on and I had an email off someone saying he wants the item and has payed it through to gumtree and into my paypal account. And now I've had an email off paypal saying:

The payment for Gumtree Item has been verified and confirmed. But due to security reasons on both sides of the buyer and the seller the status of the payment is pending. Most sellers do not ship out the exact item as they have listed on gumtree and we are keen on securing the Gumtree community. You will be required to post out the item and email us its shipment reference number. We will then verify the status and contents of the shipment within 5 minutes with the courier service its been shipped through. Once we have completed verification, your account will be credited instantly.

As soon as shipment is made, Kindly get back to us with the shipment tracking number so that we can confirm it and then credit your funds immediately. Contact: ( immediately with the shipment reference number immediately the item is shipped.

Note: Do not send the shipment reference number to the buyer until we have confirmed the status of the shipment and credited your Paypal Account.

Is this correct? I'm so worried as I'm selling this item for £400.

The guy said that I have no choice to post it now first thing on tuesday, and I don't want to get conned!




  1. Check where this email cam from as this is not normal for paypal. log into your paypal account and see if there is a pending credit as this sounds dodgy.

  2. sounds like a con , I would ring or email Paypal and see what they say before sending it out

  3. No No No. This is a Con / Scam.

    I have used Gumtree and if someone wants to BUY off you YOU send them your Paypal email to pay or you send them a PayPal pay request using the buyers email. Then they pay. The buyer should not use Gumtree's paypal to pay you. Its silly.

    You need to check where this email is coming from quick. Tell Paypal and Gumtree of this scam.

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