
Can you use.................?

by  |  earlier

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...............commercial organic compost, mixed w/ 15-25% perlite, to grow vegetables, indoors???? All the directions on the bag state it's more of a soil amendment, than a stand alone, potting soil.






  1. no.... compost, no matter how good it is, doesn't contain all the 'stuff' that a plant needs for good growth... there's little  in the way of microbial life there, no mycelium, certain bacterias have been lost in the composting process... no nematodes (the good ones), etc... valuable minerals and trace elements are also scarce in compost unless  they were added as ammendment.....

    I've grown plants on that popped up in my compost.. they start out happy, then bog down until they can get a root thru the compost and into the soil below!!!.... once there, they take off!!....

    vegetables are a plant that need all those extras... plain old houseplants don't have to bloom and set fruit, etc, so potting soil will suffice for them once you add their fertilizer....

    to be sure how your 'mix' will perform, have it 'soil tested' at an extension office or state ag office.........

  2. Yes - but the soil isn't the problem when trying to grow vegetable indoors - sunlight is.  The vast majority of vegetables want full sun - impossible to provide inside.  Unless you invest in lots of big expensive halogen lights & stuff - or have a greenhouse mounted to the sunny side of your house.

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