
Can you use "though" and "because" in the same sentence?

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I remember I read from somewhere you can't use "though" and then finish with "because" in a sentence.




  1. i dont think u can finish many sentences with the word "because"

    but you could say although, but no though

  2. Ehh, I'd have to see the sentence. Shooting from the hip, it doesn't sound right. I didn't really need these two points but I wanted to see what you were asking. As I said on scratch paper which I keep by the computer, it doesn't look right but that's just a scribble to eyeball it. You might be able to use "although". Like, "Although most people are complaining about rising gas prices, it is because they don't maintenance their cars at the recommended intervals and lose mileage." See that's borderline. So you need a sentence. Now that I've typed and scribbled, yes I should get the two points.

  3. Grammatically, you can use 'though' and 'because' in the same sentence; you cannot end a sentence with 'because'. Or can you (see last sentence)?

  4. you just did dude :P

  5. Why Not??

    The Contractor has planned to put their Excavator in used for minimum 8 hours per Man-Day. THOUGH they have not been using for the past two Man-Days BECAUSE of site constrain, they will maximise the usage starting from tomorrow by working over time.

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