
Can you use tap water for sea monkeys?

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Well I got some sea monkeys a lil while a go and i've put tap water in, they seem to be ok, but do you think they will be okay? x




  1. Guest58077

     help, what shall i do i boiled tap water then it was to hot and then i added cold water in.. i also added the water purifier what shall i do?


  2. I think they'll be Ok, but to be safe, you should buy a bottle of dechlorinator, and add the required amount to the tank.

    Chlorine in tap water is reponsible for the death of most fish at home.

  3. The water should be purified first.

  4. although tap water should be OK, they thrive better if the water has

    the proper PH balance.if you research these creatures,you can find out

    what their natural habitat is like,and adjust your aquarium accordingly.

    depending on where you live, tap water is chemically treated,and some sea life is not adaptable to it.

  5. it used to be fine for sea monkeys...but it's surprising to find out they still have them. I haven't seen sea monkeys nor heard about them since the 1980s.

  6. Hi well if your sea monkeys have hatched and are looking ok then they should be fine,

    I got some and mine didnt hatch, I did read thay I should of used deionised water first I just used tap water and they didnt do a thing lol, so if I ever get some more I will remember to boil the water first the let it cool and then put it in with the sea monkeys. but if yours are fine then there should be nothing wrong with using tap water.  

  7. NO, you cannot use tap water.  It has chlorine in it and they will die.  Put anti-chlorine drops in the water before you put them in.  You can buy this from any good pet store.

    Or, put water in a separate container, let it stand for a couple of days, then put it in your aquarium.  

    Either method will remove the chlorine.

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