
Can you use the same type of eye drops (with no contacts) on contacts?

by  |  earlier

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it cuz im getting contacts and my parents dont know so i was wondoring can i use the eye drops i have at my house ( no body wears contacts in my family) on my contacts or does it have to be some special one. or what

please it would help a lot




  1. You shouldn't.  There is special contact drops you use while wearing your contacts.  Why do you have to be secretive about getting contacts?  I hope you are going to an actual optical place and some bootleg place that sells the contacts without a license to do so.  If you are, don't bother.  If the place doesn't have a license, those contacts are NOT regulated.  You could possible develop eye infections and have other problems.  And if you are not in need of prescription contacts, but want the colored ones to change your eye color, you still need to go to the optician so that you can be properly fitted for contacts and get them for a legit place.

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