
Can you use your camos & DP after beating Metal Gear Solid 4 and starting a new game? If so, then how???

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Can you use your camos & DP after beating Metal Gear Solid 4 and starting a new game? If so, then how???




  1. Go through all of the credits and save your game. then load it and it should make you choose a dificulty and start a new game.

    then after you meet up the MKII you will have all of your stuff

  2. After the end credits you will be prompted to save the game.

    If you load this save game afterwards you will be brought to the dificulty select for a new game screen.

    You get all your items and weapons when you meet up with the Metal Gear Mark 2 and you get your Drebin Points when you meet Drebin for the first time.

  3. After beating Metal Gear Solid 4, let the credits roll and when finished it will ask you to save. This save will be a completed game save. If you want to start a new game, load the completed game save. After it loads, it will take to the screen where you can choose a difficulty. When you play, you will notice you still don't have your things and your DP you earned before. You will have all your things back when you meet up with Otacon's Mk. II.

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