
Can you use your cell phone during Navy basic training?

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my boyfriend left a few week ago for basic and he took his cell phone. i was wondering if he gets to use it and if so, how often?




  1. no, only phone calls he'll make with come from a pay phone. Thats the only way until he's done with basic. youll get a five min call within the first or second week.  

  2. It's probably confiscated and mailed back home!

    DID he not know what NOT to bring to Basic Training?

    A  sign of immaturity and no discipline!

    The Navy will light up his *** for violating regulations!

  3. Just to add my two cents. people are now being allowed to bring their cell phone, yes it is taken as soon as they get there, but they are allowed to use them for phone calls instead of having to buy phone cards. By the way im not the one who says this is true, this is coming from my Chief.

  4. h**l Naw, No Cellphones. you cant even wear your civilian glasses. the give you birth controls(BC's)

  5. I did my whole tour of duty with the SEALS over my cell phone.  It is safer that way.

    Scott White

  6. no, you cant, but after boot camp you can have it and use it. if your boyfriend just left for bt then you or his family may be on the look out for a box of his civ clothes cell phone and other none reg things to be sent home.

  7. Smart move by your boyfriend, I am sure he has now seen the error of his ways in bringing a cell phone to basic.

  8. No.

    Cell phones are confiscated and not returned until he completes training.

  9. Cell phones and personal items are locked in a secured room for the durration of basic training.

    He will get it back when he goes to tech school. and will be able to call you when he gets out of class and PT.

  10. no.  It was mailed back to his Home of record.  

    Phone calls must be earned,and do not expect ANY the first 4 weeks.  any calls they do get are like 10 minutes long and he probably calls his parents.  


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