
Can you use your parents as references?

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or your sister? the reason i ask is because it was family owned business and its the only experience i have. i ask because its the same last name and wont they know theyre related to me and most ask not to list relatives....

i have other reference from being a librarian assistant but that was in high school and its been 4 years now and at the moment im a full time student....should i use it or is it too old?




  1. The business you worked for is the reference for work history of course you put down the contact be it your father mother or sister

    The other references should come from stable members of the community that can give  character reference and perhaps know your work ethic and can comment on it.

    Use the old references as well if the People who you worked with are still there.  

  2. most likely no because it could be considered nepotism

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