
Can you usually tell the difference between a genuinely nice person and someone who isint but pretends to be?

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what are the differences?




  1. GNP is one who really cares for you , whom you can trust, for he says and does things for your good , and not just to please you

    A pretender is one who tells what you want to hear. Behaves nicely in front of you while  behind your back criticizes you.

  2. Always trust your gut instinct. If you sense something about a person you can quite put your finger on, it's best not to get too close to them.

  3. It takes a long time to know the difference...  Experiences you will have, people you will meet, etc.  There are people who are really good pretenders, I will tell you that.

  4. Best way to find out is to invent yourself some annoying habit. Humming/singing off-key or slurping your drink/soup long enough to where you know most people would be madly annoyed, see how they react.

  5. If you have had enough of life's experiences you can - but you have to have those experiences to know what to look for.

    What are the differences...the way they act, what they say, facial expressions, how they behave towards you - things you learn about other people as you go through life.

    Someone who is genuinely nice would be someone who is your best friend - some one who isn't would be that person who wants to be your "best friend" only because you are wearing the latest fashion or you have money, as soon as you loose those they leave you.

  6. I believe in first impressions and I am seldomly wrong.  Genuine people have a different feel about them. Pretenders give me a hard to describe feeling of unease, like theres more than meets the eye. I try to stay away from those people.

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