
Can you visually tell the difference between an epoxy resin and a polyester resin surfboard?

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Can you visually tell the difference between an epoxy resin and a polyester resin surfboard?




  1. the big clambouski thinks yes

  2. i can sometimes

  3. Yes, I can

    The Surfboard Man

  4. Yes, 100% of the time!!! Normally you won't see the stringer (the piece of wood) down the middle of an epoxy board (because normally they don't have one) - if it does look like it has a stringer, look carefully - is it painted on or real?? Older epoxy boards don't tend to "yellow" as much as polyurethane ones, so that's another indicator. You can ALWAYS tell the difference, it's pretty easy to do.

    You could also (LIGHTLY) tap the board with your knuckle - epoxy boards will sound more hollow and will feel more "plastic".

  5. depends

  6. Visually you can't (usually).  The comment about there not being a stringer has nothing to do with the epoxy, it has to do with the construction method.  Things like surftechs are composite sandwich (compsand) boards, which is why they look like that. Compsand could be made with a stringer if you wanted but don't really need them.  My fish I shaped has a standard Clark blank with epoxy resin.  Looks the same as a polyester resin board.  The only way to tell visually is if a board is super glossy.  Epoxy will not polish as well as poly.  If it has a sanded or matte finish you'd never know the difference.

  7. Yes you can, usually sandwich epoxy boards are painted before sale most probably in white. sandwich Epoxy boards usually have the tendency to look terrible out of production they come out all yellow/brown before the paint job.

  8. i can't, they look the same to me.. i own 1epoxy and my friend owns a polyester.

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