
Can you wait until CNN shows its true colors and pulls the rug out from under Obama?

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Only Ben Stein admits he has his money on the conservative candidate. No way TimeWarner want Obama with a Democratic majority in the U.S. Congress to run the investment community. That would reverse current trends. Trust me.




  1. no.

  2. Why would part of his campaign staff do such a thing?

    Yes, I'm talking about CNN.

  3. There are plenty of people against Obama, so why aren't they doing it before CNN?

  4. Trust you???? And who the h**l are you????

  5. The current trends could use some reversing.

    The stock market is way overbought as it is.

  6. haha the liberal biased media go against obama? that would never happen

  7. CNN will only do that if someone offers enough money for it. At the present time those that have the money are in the process of bankrupting them at a much faster pace than anyone thought possible.

  8. Yes, hurry up and pull the rug

  9. Right.  The media will abandon their darling Barack.  Unless Ronald Reagan rises from the dead and steals the nomination, Obama will continue to get the starry-eyed treatment from almost every media outlet there is.

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