
Can you walk across the canada border without a passport?

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Or do you need one to get across now days?




  1. If you are a US citizen you can walk across the border (in both directions) by showing your birth certificate and government issued photo ID such as a driver's license.

  2. legally or illegally?

    If you are crossing at a border point then yes American citizens need a US passport or a Nexus card to re-enter the US

    Anywhere else naw just walk or swim across after all it is the longest undefended border in the world and there are many places where there are no customs booths on both sides of the border.

  3. I live 6 kms. away from the states; You can walk right across, however you will need at lest picture Id., if not a passport to support who you are.

    BC. to Sumas border.

  4. Historically US citizens have been allowed to travel between Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, Bermuda and Panama bearing only US citizenship proof like an "official" birth certificate (embossed with state seal) and a government-issued id (like a driver's license); that's still the case for land travel by US citizens between Mexico, Canada and the US, but the new passport rules require a passport when returning to the US by air from Mexico and Canada

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