
Can you wash a North Face backpack without putting it in the washing machine?

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I have a north face backpack and it is so dirty cause I used it for camping.I need to wash it and putting it in the washing machine takes to long.




  1. a good way to wash your backpack is to l**k it clean. a good way to dry it without putting it in the dryer is to f**t on it.

  2. To hand-wash your backpack, fill your bathtub with lukewarm water and add a little bit of Woolite or other detergent. Throw the backpack in there and massage, grope, and palpate it vigorously. A toothbrush can be used to scrub at any especially dirty spots. leave it out to dry, dont put it in a machine. vbjlkdFbglkbnhgdfkijfvkdfvcjhblcjxfzvbjksfdvkljNDSKVJhnskdjnhvkjbsdjkbvjnbxcjvbcshdjbfkjdsbvhxckjvhcjkxhvjkncjk bnvkjnbskjhnKJSHDVkjcxnbvjkncbnKJNdfgjfdhcjvkjcxhvkjncfjvnbc dude cjxhvbkjvbnkJSFDBKJVNBJKNKvVV CACA DSFKJHLDSKHGJHDSFGHIU

  3. caca

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