
Can you watch videos on an iPod Nano 4GB?

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  1. Yepyep.

    Well it says I can on mine.

    I just...don't know how yet.

  2. not on the second generation but u can on 3rd generation nanos

  3. yeah. if its a square one not rectangle.

  4. only if its the new one(3rd gen)

  5. Yes, you can.

  6. Yes you can but if you add really big ones like movies or tv series then it will reduce the number of songs you can put in since 4GB is kind of little. If you want to watch lots of videos (and movies) on your iPod I suggest you get a bigger size such as 20GB.

  7. No you cant, only on the iPod Video, iTouch, and the iPhone.

  8. Yes you could watch videos on the Ipod Nano 4gb as long as it is the 3rd Generation Ipod Nano, if it is the previous models like the second generation and 1st generation then you cannot.

  9. No, i have one and you can not watch videos on them! You can put music and pictures on it, that is all!  

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