
Can you wear a knee sleeve in basic training

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when you are doing PT? I have some minor discomfort in one knee.




  1. One great way of getting to wear a knee sleeve is to go into basic without wearing the thing.  Go to sick call one day with a complaint in your knee.  Ask the doc if you could wear a knee sleeve and that you think maybe it would help.  That way you have it documented in records if it gets worse AND you can wear your knee sleeve without Drill Sergeant's asking you if you're authorized to wear it.

  2. yes

  3. If you have minor discomfort in your knee, you should have medical documentation on the reason for the discomfort.

    If you have discomfort, then you would most likely be disqualified at MEPS until you have been seen by a specialist and have been awarded a medical eligibility determination or Ortho waiver approval.

    If you put this sleeve on and your drill instructor asks about it and it is found that you have existing problems (no matter how minor it is), that could be grounds for fraudulent enlistment.

    If everything has been documented prior to entry, then NO, there should not be a problem.

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