because my mum doesnt know if u can or not and i think u can cuz i have read it somewhere in a magazine.
i mean isnt that wat its there for? its cuz every time she gets her period she makes me go and take my kid sister for her swimming lesson. which is really annoying, cuz i have things to do too. and what if i wanted to go swimming or something, i would like to know the answer to this too.
whether or not it affect and if it will leak through the tampon? she is worried that it might and fill the pool lol. but im like thats what there there for. and she goes people just wear them so u cant see the pad. ok wat the....
i mean she should at least know. i dont think it says on the packets anyway. but yeah.
will it leak through if a tampon is on or are they designed for that purpose ( to wear to pool, party etc)
?? thanks for answers.