
Can you wear contacts while having pink eye?

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Can you wear contacts while having pink eye?




  1. dont because you'll spread the infection to the contactss

  2. I wouldn't recommend it.  Some pink eye is caused by viruses and some by bacteria.  Either way it may aggravate the condition and if they are not disposed of each day, you could prolong the pink eye and/or re-infect yourself.

    Once the pink eye is treated completely, then you can resume contact wear.

  3. You really shouldn't. The virus or bacteria that is causing your pink eye needs to clear up before you put your contacts back in so wear your glasses for a few days and wash your hands often, especially after touching near your eyes.

    Also ask your optometrist or opththmologist - they will know what Rx eyedrops you might need if any, and can determine the best course of treatment.

    You would have to throw away your contacts anyways and start with a fresh pair - because the surface of a lens is actually quite porous and all sorts of nasty stuff would still collect in those micro pores which is why daily cleaning & disinfecting is still the best method of lens care. Either that, or switch to daily disposables.

  4. Youre not suppose to..they recommend you take out the contacts you were wearing (if they aredisposable or if you have more to throw them away) if not, clean them well (not with one step cleaning solution...i mean really clean them..

    And when you wear your glasses and pink eye goes away, wash them WELL..youre not suppose to have any contact with the eye or the fluids..because it can get re-infected easily

  5. i could spread the infection to your contacts, even though they get cleaned daily. just wear glasses until it clears up.

  6. I don't think so. Ask your doctor to be sure.

  7. You can, BUT it's a really bad idea.  You could put yourself at risk for severe infection that could result in permanent vision loss.

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