
Can you wear normal contacts when you have astigmatism??

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well i have astigmatism and i looked it all up and dang it was expensive so i looked online if i could wear normal ones and it says that if you have a really low somthing but then i was like ok so is that a yes or no.. cuz i really really wanted colored contacts but my parents wont buy it for me cuz its too expensive then the other ones.. HELP!!




  1. Yes and no.  By no, I mean there are special contacts desinged specifically for people with a stigmatism.  So they are not "normal."  However, yes because you may not need the corrective contacts (which cost more).  I have a stigmatism in one of my eyes, but I wear normal contacts. I actually see better with them than with corrective contacts (better than 20/20 actually). My doctor says it happens sometimes that the corrective aspect of the contact is too strong and normal contacts will work.

  2. When it is not possible to correct irregular astigmatism with glasses you can go for contact lenses.

  3. It  depends entirely on how much astigmatism you have.

    Usually at 1.00 or more, it has to be corrected with a Toric lens, or you just won't see as well...but not in all cases.

    You may only have 0.25 or 0.50 astigmatism correction...if so, a special lens isn't required. There are ways to compensate for that.

    It's impossible to give you any better idea without seeing what your prescription actually is.

    EDIT *****

    Sorry , didn't see your response until just now.

    Ok...well your prescription is nothing BUT you definately have to use a toric lens if you are going to use contacts at all.

    Using a regular lens that doesn't correct that astigmatism wouldn't  work at all.

    You have no power  in the first numbers, which would be the sphere...the sphere power is what regular lenses are.

    The only power you have is that 0.75...that is all astigmatism, along with the axis.

    If you want to see with your have no other choice....sorry.

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