
Can you wear spurs in novice show jumping??

by Guest60586  |  earlier

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i want to enter this horse in novice show jumping but the horse only really go's with spurs on... but is it alright to wear spurs for it??




  1. check the rules and regulations at the show

  2. well depends on the show.. I dont see why not.. The show rules and regulations for tack and equipment should say.. and if not then take them and ask the main office when you get their and if they say no then use a crop. Not sure how well it goes with crop but check with show orginization..

  3. Yeah you should be right.

    I its really only a problem in low level dressage etc.

    I think you will be okay just check with the people organizing it before hand though so you have time to train without spurs if it is not allowed.

    Also check the rules on the schedule if it isnt there it wont be a problem.

  4. ya its totally fine i would make sure ur trainer agrees with it but u should be fine i no kids that do X rails that wear spurs im in the 3'0" and i wear spurs with my horse

  5. Check with the show management - depending on what show you're at (i.e. breed show, USAEq show, etc.) will depend on the answer. If points are involved - like at a breed show - definitely have them show you in the rules booklet. If they don't know, ask them to put your question to the judge(s) for an answer. Either way, get one before going into the ring.

  6. Spurs are permitted in all levels for hunter/jumper shows.

    However, generally we will use a crop before spurs in novice classes because novice riders are more likely to spur their horse on accident and you can't use your crop on accident.

    Use whichever works best for you.

    Good Luck! :)

  7. Wear them if you will get the most from your horse.

  8. Check with the show secretary or judges.  Maybe you could use dummy spurs.

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