
Can you wear volleyball shoes outside?

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because i play volleyball inside but i like to go running and i lost my running shoes.




  1. NO, i mean you can but you will riun your volleyball shoes and then you will have none. You will ruin the bottom of the shoes and when your on the court youwill slip and slide all ove rthe floor. I would suggest you get another pair of running shoes. Please, they are not made to run in. They may hurt your feet.

  2. you could but its never very good for the treads and grips in the bottoms...the shoes are designed for indoor courts & to give you the best grip while playing...running outside with them would wear the treads down really fast and it would make them slippery

  3. You shouldn't wear your volleyball shoes outdoors excessively, because it will wear down the grips and treads on the bottom. I recommend that you buy new running shoes. Also when not playing volleyball indoors, you shouldn't wear your volleyball shoes.

  4. you technically can...but it ruins the grip on them

  5. you can but it wears out your volleyball shoes quickly.  Also running outside can cause little rocks to get stuck in your shoes and some gyms do not allow outdoor shoes onto the floor because it can cause scratches.

  6. uhh, duh.. yes.

  7. Sure, why not?

  8. You can wear any shoes you want, but its a better idea if you didn't.  Court shoes (your vball shoes) are meant to stick to the court so you don't slide around.  If you run outside in them, it will wear off the bottom quicker.  It would be best if you bought some new shoes to be outside in, and leave your court shoes for the court.  But if you need new court shoes anyway, go ahead and run in those, and get some new court shoes.

  9. Well, volleyball shoes are designed for the wooden floor, and for that reason they have special grips on the bottom. If you excessively use the shoes outside, the grips will wear down and they will notgrip the floor, they will slide. Ypur call on this one. Regular shoes cost more than volleyball shoes, so just buy new running shoes.

  10. Yes.  But I wouldn't particularly recommend doing any serious running in them, as they aren't designed for straight out running.  Get a new pair of running shoes or cross-trainers pretty soon, as the volleyball shoes might well give you shin splints if you run in them too much.

  11. you can... it takes a really long time to ruin the treads on volleyball shoes (i've had mine since 6th grade and I'm in 11th now) with the same shoes and I play year round and run outside in them.  The only thing is that when you run with them on the dirt from outside lessens the grip to the wood floor so be sure to wipe them down with a wet paper towel before using them on the court.

    Hope I helped!

  12. You can wear any shoes outside. You can even go barefoot if you want.

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