
Can you win a chess game in which you only have a queen and a king, and the opponent only has a king?

by  |  earlier

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if so, how?




  1. yes you have to be really crafty and think of it if it were real life war.

  2. Yes, but be sure to not let your opponents know you asked.  This is most certainly a resignable position which I would never expect to play out.

    Check out this Endgame at the library or on the net.  You'll find it under 'Basic mates'.  After you've mastered this, check out how to mate with;

    King and Rook,

    King and two Bishops,

    King, Bishop and Knight.

    It can be really fun learning all the possibilities on the chess board.  

    Happy chessing.

  3. Very easily, just put the queen on a knights jump distance from the enemy king. Repeat this a couple of times. When approaching the edge, ALWAYS leave the enemy king an extra square or it will be stalemate. Now, when the enemy king is stuck on the edge, walk up with your king and deliver mate with the queen.

    There are better ways but this should be easy.

  4. Hi,

         Yes!  Check out my personal web page - link below?  I hope this is helpful for you.

    Yours sincerely,


  5. Yes you can.  

    Use your King as a "blocking" piece and use your Queen to put the other King in Check.  

    Imagine your King and his King directly facing each other one square apart.  The King's can't walk in front of each other so they must move back if they're the only piece left.  

    Keep your Kings aligned in front of each other. Slowly back the other King into corner using your King as the wall and use the Queen to draw the net on him.  

    Be careful of moving into a 'stalemate' position.  Stalemate is where it's your opponent's turn, he's NOT in check, but cannot move because moving into any of the other squares around him puts his King in check.  (You cannot voluntarily move your King into a check).  It happens frequently when you're down to a King and a Queen vs. a lone King.

  6. Yes, check out this demonstration from

  7. Yes,  I could do this blindfold in about eleven moves.

  8. dont wana be judging u or ewt cos i aint like that but 'chess' cant u think of sumart propa do

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