
Can you work at kroger at 15?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to get a job because my allowance is not alot and i want to get more money!!! THANKS!




  1. depending on where you live. i started working at 15, but i had to get a workers permit, from the Board of Education. you just have to have it signed by a parent/gaurdian. Just check to see what the legal age is to start working, and trust me its no big deal if you have to get a workers permit. its good for other jobs-they see you were willing to work other than play- which is good for future employers-good luck

  2. where I live I dont think you can. maybe im wrong. idk.

  3. I would think you'd have to be at least 16 to work. At 15 or 16, you don't have enough job experience to obtain a job at Kroger, unless you applied for a mail room position, sorting mail and delivering it to departments within Corporate Kroger.

    Depending on where you're living, check into something like Parks and Recreation with your City's government. They have many positions available, you could be making $10/$12 an hour working with children, or in an office type position.

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