
Can you work for United Nations with past drug use?

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Can you work for the United nations with past drug use? lets say over 3 years b4 you apply?




  1. come on man, set your sights higher than the UN. sounds like you're moving up in the world, working for the UN would be stepping back down.

  2. It might depend on how many people know about your past drug use and whether or not you've been convicted of any crimes related to it.

    Edit: In that case, I'm sure it wouldn't be a concern. Just make sure you answer NO if they ask if you've ever used them.

  3. You can run scams on charitable programs while working for the UN.  I seriously doubt they have a problem with someone smoking crack while they're having a proceeding.  That's probably what Chavez was smelling when her referred to smelling the 'sulphur'.

  4. looking at how the U.N. is run I would think it is a prerequisite

  5. Only if you share with them.

  6. They prefer drugs when collecting US tax dollars.

  7. You can be the President of the United States even with prior drug use.  It all depends on the frequency of use, and the type of drug.  I believe it is pretty much expected that many, many people have at least experimented with, for example, marijuana at some time in their lives.  The most important thing is not to lie - lying goes to character, and is far more serious.  If you are applying for jobs with the UN that require a security clearance, you will have to be completely honest about your drug history.

  8. Privet,

    Ya rabotala na nix 4 let. Eto v osnovnom zavisit ot togo v kakoy ofis ty idesh. Esli ty skroesh fact, to nichego tebe ne grozit. Mojesh zaprosto ustroitsa na rabotu.


  9. You can work for anyone with past drug use.  It just depends on whether they know and how badly they need you.  If it's not asked, I wouldn't mention it...

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