
Can you work on getting your visa once you have a passport to go to US?

by Guest55666  |  earlier

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Is it possible to come to US once having a passport renewed and be able to stay in here with working on your visa, without me having to go to his country? Cause we were thinking if it takes awhile for him to get his visa, if he could go ahead and come here while applying for it or does he have to stay in his country and get approved before allowing him here? Please help, I've asked all I can from my friends and family that might know something and still nothing yet heard.

Also, if he started this process in Feb...can you tell me does it take this long to get his papers to be released from the college and military there or is he just taking his sweet time to turn them in? I must know please let me know anything that can help! Btw, sorry for the many questions in one, I just needed to know soon.




  1. Do it before you come. If you do it in the US you will be deported or may not make it past immigration and customs.

  2. You have to apply for the visa BEFORE you get to the US.  If you are inside the US already, they will make you go back to your country and apply for it at the US embassy there.  As far as him claiming to have turned in his papers for the visa already, it could be either one.  While he could really be taking his sweet time turning in his papers, it could also be the US State Department being slow.  The US State Department is well noted for being slow with issuing passports and visas, especially if your not somebody like the leader of a country or something of that sort.  I have known people that have waited for over a year before for visas and passports.  If you are a US citizen and he has put in his paperwork, you could call write to your Senator and complain, which believe it or not, does help speed it up most of the time.

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