
Can you work with children if you self harm? Person i know is saying you cant but i thought was discrimation?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's nobody elses business if you self-harm outside of working with children.

    As long as you're doing what you're supposed to be doing at work, then I don't see why it would be a problem.

  2. Someone with a severe mental illness shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.

    Of course after treatment their past shouldnt affect things - but whilst self harming they should be kept away from children.

  3. I wouldn't want anyone near my children who I believed could influence them with the   behavior that accompanies self harm.

    Most people who self-injure tend to be perfectionists, are unable to handle intense feelings, are unable to express their emotions verbally, have dislike for themselves and their bodies, and can experience severe mood swings. They may turn to self-injury as a way to express their feelings and emotions, or as a way to punish themselves.

    While I think it's wonderful that you want to work with children, I'm afraid the behavior could be passed to young people as normal or acceptable, especially if you are a cutter.

    Sorry if you don't like the answer, but it is my opinion.

  4. Yeah i think you're allowed to.

    It's like saying a person who masturbates isn't allowed to work with children-then they can, so self harmers can as well.

  5. I at least know that my partner - who used to self-harm about 3 years ago - is allowed to work with children now.

  6. You have to be deemed fit by your employers health will have to fill in a questionare that will ask various questions regarding your health now and in the past, and they may ask if it is ok to contact your GP for further info.  In some ways yes it is discrimination but in others the rules are made to protect you and the emotional stress of the job as well as the kids that you have to deal with.

    Good Luck Hun x

  7. someone who is self harming SHOULDN'T be working with children, but since no one with half a brain is going to say in an interview 'oh by the way, I self harm. That's not going to be a problem is it?' then it's not likely that their employer or the children will know what they are doing. Self harmers are careful, they hide the scars and don't tell anyone except possibly their closest friend or family member when they are ready for help. So, I'm sure self harmers could work with children but they shouldn't be. They should be getting help.

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