
Can you write a comical tale that includes,but is not limited to,6 of these lines?

by  |  earlier

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This is just for the pure fun of being creative,friends.

1. Perhaps you'd like to yell a little louder. I don't think the drug dealer on the corner heard you!!

2. Make your choice....Prayer Meeting or the casino.

3. The cockroach from h**l began to tango with the silverfish.

4. The devil wants my time. God just wants my soul.

5. Stay focused

6. His ego lives in two zip codes.

7. Oh,my! I'm seeing stars.

8. YOU do the math,babe.

9. Ferocious competitor

10. Hmmmm...... It looks like a butterfly playing a banjo.

11. At MY age?

12. Seven~~~~SEVEN......(((SEVEN))) !!!!! Hee Haaaaaaaaaw !!!




  1. Oh my! I'm seeing stars. The devil wants my time. God just wants my soul. You do the the math, babe. Seven~~~~SEVEN......(((SEVEN))) !!!!! Hee Haaaaaaaaaw !!! Stay focused. Hmmmm..... It looks like a butterfly playing banjo. Ferocious competitor, indeed.  

  2. So, I am trying to stay focused when I hear Seven~~~~SEVEN~~~(((SEVEN))) !!!!Hee Haaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!  So I say "Perhaps you'de like to yell a little louder.  I don't think the drug dealer on the corner heard you!!"  The kid runs right at me and says"At My age? The devil wants my time.  God just wants my soul."  I'm  thinking, what does GOd have to do with it his ego lives in two zip codes.  Or wait, he's God so it must be in all the zipcodes. SO I tell the kid, look, I am a ferocious competitor when it comes to dancing. 3 step, 2 step, 1 step, turn.  You do the math Babe I says.  Kid looks right at me and has the nerve to say "it looks like the cockroach from h**l began to tango with the silverfish."  I am more than irritated a this point cause I was just standing here practicing dance moves when the kid starts yelling 7 7 7.  Then it dawned on me.   I said kid, make your choice...prayer meeting or th casino.   He says "why"  I said "you said 777 which is a winner either place so choose.  Just before the kid answers I get this weird feeling, oh my, I am seeing stars.  And at that moment I realize my son just jump right on my man area with his knee waking me up from a totally trippy dream.  No more pizza at bedtime.


    Once upon a time in a dance hall, far, far away, THE COCKROACH FROM h**l BEGAN TO TANGO WITH THE SILVERFISH from Chicago. “So, you say you’re from h**l,” said the silverfish to the cockroach. “What are you doing HERE if I may be so bold as to ask?”

    “Recruiting!” replied the cockroach. “And I must say, you’d look mighty foxy in h**l, with the glow of the flames reflecting on your svelte silver body.”

    “Why would I want to go to h**l? Silver asked teasingly. “What’s in it for me?” ….. “Well, for one thing, you’d never get any older!” offered Cockroach.  Ã¢Â€ÂœImagine! Staying your same age …. Forever!!!

    “Forever AT MY AGE? …. Tempting! Mighty tempting!” replied Silver with a flip of her long silvery mane. “I like the idea of never getting any older,” said Silver thoughtfully. “Of course,  being so young, I don‘t really have to worry about that yet!"

    “How old are ya, Babe?” asked Cockroach. “Twenty Seven~~~~SEVEN......(((SEVEN))) !!!!!“ replied Silver, as her voice echoed through the dance hall.

    “HEE HAAAAAAAAW!!!!” brayed Silver, as  her nose began to grow and she sprouted donkey ears. “What’s happening to me?” asked Silver, in terror, as she reached up to feel her nose and ears…… “And why am I making donkey noises?”

    “That sometimes happens when people lie!” Cockroach replied matter-of-factly. “Haven’t you ever heard the story of Pinocchio?”

    “The Devil keeps a list,” the cockroach continued. “I happen to know you were born in 1961. That must make you a LITTLE older than 27. YOU DO THE MATH, BABE.”

    “OK! OK! I’m 47!” admitted Silver.  Ã¢Â€ÂœWhat’s that you say? …. FORTY SEVEN….SEVEN….(((SEVEN)))!!!!!” yelled Cockroach loudly. “PERHAPS YOU’D LIKE TO YELL A LITTLE LOUDER,” said Silver somewhat testily. “I DON’T THINK THE DRUG DEALER ON THE CORNER HEARD YOU!!”

    “Now let me get this straight,” said Silver. “THE DEVIL WANTS MY TIME.  GOD JUST WANTS MY SOUL. Is that the dealio?”

    “Wherever did you get that cockamamie idea?” asked the cockroach. “The Devil is a FERROCIOUS COMPETITOR for souls with God."

    “Try to STAY FOCUSED Silver,” directed the cockroach. “You have several options:

    If you agree to go to h**l, you will give up your soul to the Devil, but you will never get any older.

    If you stay on Earth and continue to lie, you will become a full-fledged donkey.

    Or, you can always tell the truth, grow old gracefully, and go to Heaven when your time comes.”

    “Now, it’s time for you to MAKE YOUR CHOICE…..PRAYER MEETING IN THE SKY OR THE CASINO IN h**l?” asked Cockroach.

    “What casino? asked Silver. “You never said anything about a casino!” …. “Open 24/7!!!” responded Cockroach. “Deal or no deal??”

    “Deal!!” exclaimed Silver excitedly. When Cockroach snapped his fingers, an escalator magically appeared in the center of the dance floor. “Going down,” he said, as he embraced Silver, and walked her to the top step. Then, “Poof!” she was gone.


    “HMMMMM…..!!” said Cockroach to himself. “Look at that beauty across the room. IT LOOKS LIKE A BUTTERFLY PLAYING A BANJO. ”  

    “I’m the cockroach from h**l,” said Cockroach, as he introduced himself to the butterfly. “May I have this dance?”

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