
Can you write an amusing story that includes as many of these lines as possible, just 4 the fun of it?

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1. Okay,,,,you've had your little rock star moment.

2. Poets and Pirates and...You know....stuff like that.

3. And that's why HE makes the big bucks and you wash windowshields at red lights for a living.

4. What a lovely speech......... Okay. Who wants to go to McDonalds?

5. I think your imagination is working over-time.

6. Eww! Yuck! Ick!

7. I've got a flash for you: ____________....

8. I don't think you should mix political satire with liverwurst and buttermilk.

9. ain't superman, but....You look DARN cute in that cape.

10. A minor Betty Crocker boo boo.

11. Toot toot tootsie, goodbye.

12. WHOA!! Talk about your out-of-body experience.




  1. Jake: (9) ain't superman, but....You look DARN cute in that cape.

    Budd:I do, don't I?! Man, that was awesome, on the stage, infront of everybody!

    Jake:(1) Okay,,,,you've had your little rock star moment. Let's head out now.

    Budd: Did you see all those people clap and jump and cheer me?!

    Jake:(5) I think your imagination is working over-time! Did you drink before your show?!

    Budd:No, man! No way! No how!

    Jake:(4) What a lovely speech......... Okay. Who wants to go to McDonalds?

    Budd:I have a better idea, why don't we go back stage and see I have any fans?

    Jake: (7)I've got a flash for you: You have none!

    Budd:But I saw people going to meet Tom! Why do you think they did! I think my capes better than his eye patch!

    Jake:(2) Poets and Pirates and...You know....stuff like that. May be that liked it more...

    Budd:But he does sing well, doesn't he?

    Jake: (3) And that's why HE makes the big bucks and you wash windowshields at red lights for a living and act part-time.

    Budd:But I can sing too! 'Come back Liza, comeee baack...'

    Jake: Eww! Yuck! Ick!

    Budd:'comme back gurrlll.. hic-hic..'

    Jake:Just like a (10) A minor Betty Crocker boo boo.

    And I have only that much patience! But it was fun!

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