
Can you write an amusing story using as many of these movie titles as possible?

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Just for fun, not homework

1. Mr. & Mr. Smith

2. Twelve Monkeys

3. Fight Club

4. Sleepers

5. Legends Of The Fall

6. Seven

7. Oceans Thirteen

8. Interview With A Vampire

9. The Mexican

10. Meet Joe Black

11. Spy Game

12. A River Runs Through It




  1. MR AND MRS SMITH went to the market to get some soup and beans. On the way they saw TWELVE MONKEYS, two of which were SLEEPERS, three were in the FIGHT CLUB and SEVEN were playing SPY GAME.  In order to get to the market they must encounter OCEANS, THIRTEEN to be exact, a volcano, three islands and have an INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE. To canoe through the islands would be dangerous because A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT so they called THE MEXICAN to lift them via helicopter to transport them across. While looking over the islands as they rode in the helicopter they were able to MEET JOE BLACK because he needed to go to the market as well.  Joe being a historian during the off season entertained them with his knowledge of the LEGENDS OF THE FALL.  It was such an adventure meeting new friends and hearing great stories, it didn't bother any of them that the market was closed!

  2. Not without hurting my brain !

  3. Twelve Monkeys chased Mr and Mrs Smith whilst on their way to the Fight Club to Meet Joe Black. The Mexican and Legends of the Fall were having an Inteview With A Vampire and he was talking about how A River Runs Through It, you know...Oceans Thirteen. They Eventually played a Spy Game beforeheading into Sleepers mode. LOL i tried!

  4. your question asks for just a yes-or-no answer

    so my answer is a simple "YES" (yes, i can write an amusing story using as many if those movie titles as possible.)

    me being in the mood to do that is a different, errr, story.

    zehaha! ;))

  5. Mr. & Mrs. Smith bought Twelve Monkeys at a monkey Fight Club and they caught up with The Mexican to Meet Joe Black and had an Interview With A Vampire for a position in the upcoming play "Spy Game." Afterwards they went to Oceans Thirteen avenue, which was the same place where A River Ran through It in historic times, to go see the circus of the Legends of the Fall. However, Seven of the twelve monkeys went on a rampage and fought the legends but it was all Sleepers for the monkeys because the legends were too.. legendary.

    Well, i tried. =)

  6. Brad Pitt movies!

    Dodge City, Kansas

    Circa 1875

    " My Name Misster Baboo Maheindra and I Am A Handsome Dude"

    "Miss Kitty? This here is a friend of mine....(10) Meet Joe Black. Joe? This here is the purdiest redhead this side of Gopher's Gultch."

    " All my lady friends call me,  Baboo Maheindra, ma'am. " He winked at Kitty and looked her up and down.

    Returning his attention to Festus......"Gopher's Gultch? You mean that town that's split by water?"

    Festus nodded." Yep....(12) A River Runs Through It, don't ya see?"

    Kitty put her hands on her hips. "Listen mister! Do those (2) Twelve Monkeys belong to you? They're wrecking my saloon!"

    Baboo  looked over at his twelve cowhands. "Awwww, Miss Kitty. Them boys've  been on the trail for 2 months! Heck....they're jest a 'thirstin' for a little booze and a WHOLE  lotta female company."

    "Kindly tell (9) The Mexican to stop patting my backside!!"

    "Hey! Pancho Four Feathers O'Donnell ! Get your hands off the broad's ***!"

    "O'Donnell ?! Is he Irish?" Festus asked, wide-eyed.

    " Irish? Probably Not. His mammy was 1/2 Mexican,1/2 Cherokee.

    His daddy was was from Poland." Joe kept staring at Kitty.

    "Poland? That anywhere's near Possum Holler?" asked Festus.

    "GAWD!! You two can discuss geography and name orgins all you want! I need a breath of fresh air!" Kitty stormed outside and ran into Doc Adams.

    "Well for HEAVEN'S SAKE! What's eating YOU?" mused Doc.

    "I'd rather have an (8) Interview With A Vampire than listen to Festus and his idiotic friend for one more minute," fired back Kitty.

    Doc pointed to her eyes. " Uhhh, Kitty. You have a few (4) Sleepers. Here...." He gave her some tissue.

    Kitty wiped the crusty residue from the corners of her eyes."Doc? I haven't slept (6)Seven hours for the past week!

    I..... I just don't know how to cope ....Ohhhhhh, Doc. WHY did Matt leave me for Sunshine MacGillicutty? Why........ WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "Kitty.....She's sweet,funny and horendously over-sexed. That's my theory......Now....let's get past the NEVER-ENDING discussion of HER and concentrate on another matter! Kitty? Did you know that the (7) Oceans (on this planet)Thirteen, to be exact......Did you know that they all contain aquatic life that ....that are just MARVELOUS. Yup....just fascinating."

    Kitty stared at him. "Have you gone completely MAD?!! What the h**l makes you think I give a rat's *** about THAT?!"

    Just as Doc was about to respond, a couple crossing the street caught his attention." William! Mary!" Doc started over to them and yelled at Kitty over his shoulder." HUMPH! Well I know that (1) Mr. & Mr. Smith will find what I said, interesting!"

    Kitty smirked. "I'm sure SHE will, at least. She has a face like a SPOTTED SEA TROUT and smells like tunafish that's been left in the sun !!"

    And another day in Dodge got under way.


    Kitty and Doc .......


    Joe Black/Baboo Maheindra .......

    Pancho Four Feathers O'Donnell .......

    Mrs. Smith .......

  7. ‘Mr. and Mrs.  Smith…..please come in and be seated”

    Mike Star led Hillary and Bubba Smith into his small cozy office and told them to make themselves comfortable.

    Hillary had put up with Bubba’s indiscretions   long enough and she was here to air out all their dirty laundry for once and for all!

    Lately their home life had turned into a cross between Fight Club and Legends of the Fall. It was intolerable and she would NOT take  it any more!!

    She had boldly issued Bubba an ultimatum.

    “Either you come to the marriage counselor with me or I set up an interview with a vampire”

    Bubba had shuddered, knowing that she would indeed drain him dry if she dragged him through divorce court. She had enough of HIS money to get the best vampire attorney money could buy!

    He grudgingly agreed to the lesser of two evils.

    In a preliminary interview with Mr. Star both parties had stated they wanted everything out in the open with no stones unturned.

    With this in mind Mike Star began their session.

    “Mr. Smith..According to your wife you have had seven extra-marital affairs…is that accurate?”

    Bubba squirmed in his seat.

    “Well …no…not exactly…I wouldn’t call them affairs…more like,…dalliances…. and NEVER initiated by me!”

    He took a drink of water and continued.

    “First there was Rita, the Mexican housekeeper. I had come home one day to find her watching a movie instead of working…It was Oceans Thirteen by the way.

    Anyway…she was all over me, it was crazy!! Even said I reminded her of George Clooney!!

    Hillary choked. Bubba continued.

    “Then there was Svetlana, the Russian babysitter…you wouldn’t believe the tricks she pulled to get my….attention. She even developed this little spy game that she liked to play where she used to....…”

    Hillary interrupted.

    “Can you PLEASE get on with it!”

    Bubba sped it up, describing each “dalliance” as he called them, and in each and every instance,  the women had pursued him relentlessly with none of the fault being his!

    He finally came to the seventh and final case which involved a cage cleaner he had met at the zoo and twelve monkeys.

    Mrs. Smith had come home and found them. She described the incident now in bold detail.

    Mr. Star, who thought he had heard everything, was in shock!

    “This is HIGHLY irregular!!”

    He shook his head, then excused himself, returning twenty minutes later with a tall dark haired man.

    He looked over at Mrs. Smith apologetically, then at Mr. Smith.

    “I’d like you to meet Joe Black from the Bureau of Animal protection”

    Bubba gasped! Hillary stifled a giggle!

    Would Bubba  get out of this one as easily as he had last time?

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