
Can you write an amusing tale using as many as possible of these OLD movie titles.?

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1. The Thing From Another World

2. The Thing

3. The Day The Earth Stood Still

4. Red River

5. The Alamo: Thirteen Day Of Glory

6. The Macahans

7. Gun The Man Down

8. The First Traveling Saleslady

9. Them

10. The Iron Man

11. Hellgate

12. Stars In My Crown

They all have one thing in common




  1. MY darling James Arness♥ was an actor in MOST of these!!!!!!!!!

    I don't believe he was in # 3.

    Did you know that Amanda Blake AND Jamie were in on eof thewe films....know which one...Hmmmm ?

    Dodge City, Kansas

    Circa 1875

    "The First Traveling Saleslady From Outer Space"

    "HELLGATE!!!" shrieked Miss Kitty as she tried to get the tangles from her hair."I have 12. Stars In My Crown !! HAHAHAH." She laughed hysterically as she took another swig from her old faithful, Randy Scouse Git Rotgut.

    Doc Adams, sitting at a nearby table in the Long Branch came over and sat next to her.

    "Uhhhhh, Kitty? How's about a nice cup of coffee, hmmm?"

    He took her bottle of booze and wouldn't give it back to her.

    "SAM!!!!!! GUN THE MAN DOWN AND BRING ME ANOTHER BOTTLE!!!!! *Hic* *belch* *hic.*"

    Doc slowly shook his head .

    U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon, Kitty's former boyfriend, soon strolled in.

    Kitty looked up. "Well, well, well. 10. The Iron Man has privileged us with his presence. Hey! Matt! How are you and

    1. The Thing From Another World doin'?!! " (Of course

    2. The Thing she was referring to was Sunshine....Matt's new girlfriend and Kitty's reason for drinking too much.) "You know, Matt....... The day  that NeANDERTHAL crawled into town, was 3. The Day The Earth Stood Still !"

    Matt exchanged glances with Doc and walked toward the bar.

    Before Kitty could stagger over to him, Sunshine burst through the swinging doors, clad in her typical crazy outfit and singing at the top of her lungs:

    ♫"  Come on baby, come and swim with me.

    Down at 4. Red River 'bout a quarter to three.

    Don't bring your trunks 'cause we're goin' bare ***.

    We'll make a little whoopie as we play in the grass.

    Oh, yeah. Uh.Uh.Uh.

    Oh yeah.Uh.Uh.Uh.

    I love you my Dillon.

    And You know I'm ALWAYS willin'.

    Come on baby come along with me."♫

    Matt grinned from ear to ear as he ran over and grabbed her.

    Kitty swallowed some vomit and sat back down. "JESUS!!

    She looks like 8. The First Traveling Saleslady from outer space in that outfit!!!!!!!!"

    Doc smiled as he watched Sunshine and Matt leave the bar, oblivious to anyone else in the world.

    "What the h**l are you so happy about," screamed Kitty.

    "9. Them. Seeing two people that much in love always makes me happy." Doc rubbed his mouth as is his wont.

    Kitty swatted the ocassional fly who tried to nest in her bouffant and continued drinking.


    Kitty .......

    Doc ....

    Matt and his Sunshine  .....♥Playing in the grass♥

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