
Can you write an apology letter for never calling back?

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I have not called my dad in a long long long time, he has called me once and left a message. I forgot about the message and did not call him for over a week. he then called and left another message saying that if I do not call him that night he would shut off my phone. I called but he did not answer. My phone was about to die so I told him that it was going to die and that my message would be very short. He did not think that was a good enough reason and shut my phone off anyway. He now says that I can not have my phone turned on again until i write an apology letter saying that I am sorry and will return calls. Any ideas? I will give ten points to whoever writes me the best letter! i really don't care that this letter is not coming from my heart. Please help me out and write it. Ten points!! thanks sooo much!




  1. dear dad ♥,

           you know i love u and will i did not pick ur calls because i did not want to.  Dad plz can i have my phone back and i promise wit all my heart that wat happened will never repeat itself again.

                    hugs and kisses 4 u dad.

                    i really am sorry =(

  2. If you want1 and its ok just call him! he is your dad,he might understand!

  3. dad i am so sorry i will never forget to call again i realize what i did was wrong and how much you have done for me i love you very much even though i may not always show it

  4. awe. what you wrote was cute. just send him a cute little note with all your love on it.  you're dad will really get a kick out that.

  5. Liana,

    The perfect message is:

    NO MESSAGE. GO THERE. Turn up. Be there. Be present. Pay attention. Right now you have ignored a person who wants and needs your respect and atttention. A letter or phone call is all bull****. Be real and present for the people who care for you. Wouldn't you want others to do the same for you??

  6. Lol, I was gonna write up something nice but then Danacide, or w/e his name is, made a good point

  7. dear dad,

    i'm really sorry for neglecting you. i realize that you are a very important part of my life, and i wouldn't be where i am without your assistance. i did not mean to make you think that i was avoiding you. with life as hectic as it is, i find myself forgetting not only to call you back, but anyone else who phones. but i should always make time and call you back right away. and for that i'm sorry.

    it's a little sappy but it'll do the trick.

  8. This sounds childish...write your own letter!  You seem like a brat, I can understand why he turned it off.

  9. You should be flippin' ashamed of yourself. You are full of greed. A HORRIBLE quality to have. You would rather have your phone turned back on (and im assuming he is paying for it) rather than call your father back and have a conversation with him?

    "I really dont care that this letter is not coming from my heart"

    Hey, if a phone means that much to ya... and you are able to sleep at night with that mentality... right on... but I'm ashamed for you.

  10. Dear Dad,

    im sorry i havent been returning your calls. I have just been really busy lately. I will try harder in the future.


              (your name here)

  11. Yes, defintely do! Its your dad, he loves you! Defintely write the letter, you have absoutly NOTHING to lose! He wants to be a part of your life or he wouldn't even bother calling you! It's your dad, express to him how much you love him, and try to have him understand why you've been so stand offish!;-)

    Best of luck & remember

    Dads are special people, there the first man that ever loved you, your his little girl *always* no matter what you two have been threw together!

  12. Sorry i don't have a letter for you but i do have some advice...At the end of the day, he is your whatever u have to at this point to fix things. Sure,if thats what he wants then write him an apology letter and explain what happened.'s not difficult to say" i am sorry"!! It's not about pride..its about compromise and the fact that he is your father...fix it should come from your heart!!!

  13. You should probably be calling and talking with your dad more often if he is nice enough to pay for your phone. Some people aren't so lucky to have a dad that will pay their phone or even have a dad at all. I mean, that's if you even care about him.

    You shouldnt be writing him a letter just to get your phone back on.  I mean, I dont know your dad. The situation could either be

    1)you are just ingrateful or your dads a jerk and you just want him to pay your bill so you never call him and you want to write a letter JUST to get phone back on lol


    2)that HE is being controlling over you by paying your bills in which case you need to pay your own bills and tell him youll call when you feel like it! sometimes parents use money as a way to make their kids "need" them cause they miss them or they are being protective etc...

    Either way you should give it some thought. you may want to pay your own bill or talk to your dad more.

    just trying to help.

    but i guess a letter couldnt hurt if you just want your phone back on  lol

    And agree with the other guy- a little note is fine dont kiss his butt.

  14. Firstly, if he demands an apology, then the apology isnt really coming from you and is fake. So he puts himself in a position to wonder if you are truely sorry or if you only did it because he asked.

    Secondly, an apology is better face to face or if your dad is a long way away, over the phone. This is because its more sincere and also he has nothing to keep and use against you.

    Write your letter if you think you have a reason to. It doesnt have to be long, but don't get it from other people here.

  15. heres an idea:

    pay for your own dam phone.

  16. well, if you really don't mind it being total bull s(&^...


    I'm really sorry I wasn't responsible enough to answer the phone when you called.  I realize this is a problem because the whole point of having a cell phone is so that you and other people can reach me incase of emergencies or other important events.  i also realize it was rude of me not to call you back right away, and i can see how you would think that's disrespectful especially since i wouldn't even have a phone if you didn't pay for it.  Just so you know, my intention was not to insult you or offend you or be disrespectful.  the phone was really about to die, but even then, i should've called from another phone, or as soon as it was charged.  anyway, i hope you can accept my apologies for upsetting you and understand that i realize why i was wrong and promise it won't happen again.

    so, in short, i'm sorry....PLEASE turn my phone back on so i can show you these aren't just words (that some chick on Y!A wrote.....).



  17. Perhaps your father wants to be sure that you will change your behavior towards him and call  him often in the future.   And he isn't that concerned about the past.

    Basically, you need to say to him that you are sorry about not calling him much in the past.  And that you promise him to call him more often in the future.

    The best apology for the past is one that promises to do better in the future.

  18. It's not a reasonable punishment. When you're busy-you're busy. But I mean-if it was an emergency and he called you; you should've called back ASAP-because you never know if he called for an emergency. Anywho, just write the letter and get over with it. Understand that he was just worried something happend to you. He still loves you!

    Today, I came out of school 15minutes late and my mom was there to pick me up. I was practicing basketball in the gym & she freaked out! She ALMOST didn't let me go to my basketball game-but she knew it was important to me& I'm one of the best players :D

  19. Dear dad,

    i am sorry for not calling, but u must understand that i tried my phone just died. if u dont believe me then that is fine. i should have called and for that i am trully sorry.  

                                                                                   and have a personel note here

  20. k well how bout:

    Dear Dad,

    I'm really sorry about not returning your calls, I've been super busy lately. I completely forgot about the message that you left me! I called you back, but you didn't answer. Please turn back on my phone, I really need it to contact people, what if there was an emergency??! Also, I won't be able to call you as often because I don't have my cell phone. I'm really sorry will you give me a second chance??

  21. Hello, Lianna;  

    Of course you can write an apology for not calling back. It would be perfectly polite.

    But, what's the point? Is it just a thing and do the people you might be contacting know you or not? If not and the delay is weeks old, I don't think it merits. they will have frgotten all about you if that is the case.

    But if you do write, make it pleasant, to the point and do not go on and be over effusive.

  22. Dear Dad,

    Oh my gosh, I am soooooo sorry for not answering your first call, I completely forgot! The second call I tried to answer you, but you weren't picking up, and I couldn't leave a long message, that part is true. I'm sorry for any misunderstandings. So can you please turn my phone on again, I won't let it happen again. Thanks!

             -(your name)

    change anything that you wouldn't say into something you would (so he thinks you were actually the one who wrote it) and viola! your phone is on

  23. Write him the letter. Parents are people too & even though he is angry he cares about you. I have a 20 yr. old son that died several years ago & my family never wastes time on not caring. Your Dad is important. Do everything you can to show him you love him & forgive him. Sometimes Dads aren't even as smart as their kids. My husband is kindof a dumb guy but I have another son & my son worships him. Worship you Dad every chance you get...If you don't know what to write I'm sure he will appreciate just a Dear Dad I love you even though I mess up at times please remember I am young & make mistakes but I love you even when I get off track.

  24. If you really cared then I would write the best letter you would ever read however you do not care so your phone should be cut off. You are very selfish...Pay for your own phone and realize that you may really need your dad one day.  If he was really sick would you care more about him or the phone?  My dad died when I was 11, I would give anything just to hear his voice for a minute.  Give your dad respect and grow up.  Sad sad young child you have a lot to learn.

  25. Dear Dad,

         I love you, I will always love you no matter what happens.  I want to say that I'm really sorry for not being able to answer your calls.  I would never intentionally do such a thing to you, I'm not that type of a daughter.  Please try to understand me, and be my one and only dad that loves me just as much as I love him, please do not shut off the phone because if you do I would really regret it for missing out on the opportunity to call you and tell him how much I care about you and how much I would love to talk to you while you're away worried about me.  Once again I'm really sorry.


    ~watever ur name is~

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