
Can your HCG levels tell you if you're having twins ?

by  |  earlier

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my doctor took blood today and gave me a print out of my levels and it says 45004.99 and I am 5 weeks along. So what does that mean I'm confused that seems like an odd number. does anyone know what this means




  1. If your hcg level is high it's can mean you can carry twins or so, or other thing it's just level high, then it's come back low.  

  2. YES! It's a sign of twins also if your AFP test comes back high you might be having twins, thats how i found out. You're Dr might follow up with an ultrasound to make sure.

    Edit Normal HcG levels for 5 weeks Lmp :18 - 7,340 mIU/ml

  3. Somewhat. It's an ultrasound that determines it usually.

  4. Hi my sis in law. Is preg with twins. Her levels were double the norm.

    Her was thru ivf. Still I dont know if u can really tell from high levels.

    Just wait for a scan and then all is revealed. Good luck.

  5. your hcg levels double every 48 hours. i asked the same question myself whith this baby it didnt help everyone joked around about twins. but that is a good number mustlikly not twins. if she or he was worried they would have said something just stay calm they mainly do the HDG level to see if you are preggy and to give themself general ideas gives then a starting point to see how well you are going up in numbers or in my case with my first pregnancy going down. ( lost that baby but have 2 healthy ones now) Hcg levels is juat your pregnancy hormones also. if i am thinking right anything under like 12 is normal i cant rember that baseline for people right at this moment. you can also look and find a hcg level chart online here is the link to just one of them

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