
Can your account get deleted for too many viloations?

by  |  earlier

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well i have already got like 10 and im still here some how




  1. Absolutely, so be careful!

  2. Yes it can. What I want to know is this. Who is deleting questions and answers where the sentiment might be seen as anti american ? Is Yahoo censoring posts ? I am not talking about anything that breaches their terms and conditions, just personal opinions. Anybody got any insight into this ?

    Wonder if my account will now disappear !

  3. of course it can.

    it would be dumb if it can't.

  4. for sure mi 3 accounts got deleted for one small thing n i don't even kno it

  5. yes it most certainly can.

  6. yeah my old 1 got deleted for 2 violentions

  7. Yep. Except they call it "suspended" so you are tricked to believe in a tiny shread of hope.

    And then you write an e-mail to yahoo asking to unfreeze your account. And instead of unfreezing it they will "permanately suspend" it.

  8. yes so watch it

  9. Yes!!!!! it happened to me before...and I don't even know what I violated.   :{

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