
Can your best friend become your worst enemy?

by Guest61786  |  earlier

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Can your best friend become your worst enemy?




  1. Yes, once she/he already too the unannounced intention she/he wanted from you. Also, when he/she was blinded with so much jealousy.


  2. interesting! yes! ''keep your friends close but your enemies closer'' ever heard of that quote?

  3. Ha, ha

    GREAT question!

    And WHAT? Would you then go and lock yourself in your own cage? Wouldn't you have any friend?

    Better you try to be better. Accept your errors, that you are a human too, and be happy with exactly what you are and have friends like you, good for you ... than to burden your inner with all the amount of ... frightens - don't discover someone that ..... ohh, what IF, what IF ???

    are you ashamed with something you did? Don't! You had a reason that moment, good or bad, whatsoever.

    It's just within our self to feel FREE, and not in the other one.

  4. There is no worst enemy than one in disguise who knows all your secrets.

    I guess thats what can make a friend your worst enemy.  They can come at you smiling and wanting to care and the next instant, they can rip your heart in two.  Such actions can make it really difficult to trust anyone in future.  

    I view it as quite important that you should never get too close to anyone, because at the end of the day you need to protect yourself.

  5. yes...DEFIANTLY.

    I have one right now...


    I call them FRENEMIES.

  6. Unfortunately yes, as your best friend you trusted them, so they know too much about you when they become your enemy.

  7. All the time

  8. Anything is possible in this fickle world.  Nothing is permanent!  Change being the only constant...people change,  feelings change,  values change,  morals too change!  So even if your best friend becomes your worst enemy,  chances are s/he will become a friend again when the tide turns.

    A best friend turned worst enemy can do more damage to you than a mere enemy!

  9. no. they can be no one in particular. Unless you make them your worst enemy, they won't be.

  10. Befriending, means we are open , we trust and love the other person.  Once something between us goes wrong, this other person can really be our worst enemy since he/she knows not only our secrets, but our personality as well.  In this way he/she can fight us "from within".

    When precious feelings that unite people with friendship turn into thorns and weapon for attack, it is the saddest and non human behaviour.

  11. yes, definitely. in fact, two of my best friends are my worst enemies now.

  12. usually thats how it goes after you best friend betrays you

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