
Can your boss control what you talk about?

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I recently got engaged, and have been talking to another girl I work with (who is also engaged) about weddings and stuff. We never talk in front of clients though. Today my boss told us that she 'got a complaint' that we were talking about wedding too much and she was "banning wedding talk".

Is she allowed to do that?! We are not offending anyone, and we are doing our work accordingly, so I don't understand what would be the problem.




  1. Yes, a boss can go so far as to require all discussion at work to be strictly related to work so that not only are you 'doing' your work but your full attention is on it.

    This kind of draconian measure is rarely taken, but if you were both air traffic controllers or running a nuclear generating facility you could understand why it can be necessary to cut the chatter and keep minds close to the task.

    In general any long conversations strongly suggest our minds are not entirely on our work, so, yes, you boss may require your full attention.

  2. Yes.  Technically, if she wanted to fire both of you after the complaint, that would be legal as well.  

  3. If she believes that it is getting in the way of your work performance, then she has the right to address any performance issues. Saying that wedding talk is banned period is a little over the line.

    My suggestion is to talk about it during breaks or lunch. You could also e-mail or instant messages ideas to each other.

    Good luck and don't let anyone rain on your parade!

  4. Yes, she can ban anything that is not necessary for the conduct of your job.  The law assumes that you will take your authorized breaks to conduct personal business, chit-chat, eat, etc.  Your employer can even require you to use your break times to use the restroom.

  5. thats retarded

    maybe she's jealous since you're getting married

    and she's secrelty a L*****n and is in love with you


    but maybe she was just kidding and it actually totally straight but who knows!

  6. Yes, she can and no, the first amendment does not apply.  Realize that you can be fired at any time, for any reason or for no reason at all.

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