
Can your cell phone be hacked?

by  |  earlier

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My friend claims that my phone was sending him rude and inappropriate text messages even though I hadn't touched my phone in over an hour. I called my phone company and they said that they don't know of any reason why that would be happening, so I was wondering if there was any way your cell phone could be hacked?




  1. Theres a simple answer to this:


    Some-one has probably took your phone in that hour, and text him it for a joke... was anyone there at the time?

  2. yes i have heard of that happening.

    if you have bluetooth on then it is a possible risk that someone can hack into it. just make sure your bluetooth is off and dont use it for a while.

    you could do a reset your phone and if your phone company has back up assistant for phone numbers then update it go on-line, print your numbers then delete all your contacts all missed calls, rereceiving, and your message inbox.

    if the texting doesnt stop then change your number!

  3. No but one time I dropped my phone in the toilet and when I took it out and cleaned it, it started calling people on its own. I finally took it apart and put it back together and it fixed.

  4. sometimes someone else can be on your phone that you don't know about and they could be sending your friend rude messages. Have you ever thought about that?

  5. No, the software doesn't work that way. He may be receiving messages from someone using software that poses as your phone, or he's just lying, but no, your phone cannot be 'hacked'.

    And to the rest of the people saying it can, learn what the word "hacked" means in this context, everyone is referencing the unlocking of phones or the adding of third party software, that's a completely different thing than someone 'breaking into' a phone to send rude text messages through it.

  6. its possible you should get a new sim card

  7. Naw, you are just being blamed for it.  Someone is sending texts to him from the web.  If it came directly from you your number would appear.  

  8. YES

  9. YES!

  10. yes they can. a friend in my math class says she can do it with ur razor and has done it.

  11. Yes it can, saw it on the news before

  12. Yes, it is possible to take control over a phone via Bluetooth and then make it dial numbers and send key events to it. Since you're not mentioning the phone model one cannot really say if such attack would work on your phone or not, or whether one should think of any other ways of achieving such mischief.

    Since we're talking about sent messages check also your phone's Sent messages folder to see if indeed the messages have been sent from your phone (it is possible with special software for phone A to send a message to phone B pretending to be from phone C).

    As a rule, turn of your bluetooth discoverability and don't pair and authorize phone's whose owners you do not fully trust. Also, do not accept/open/install any mobile software sent to you by such persons. You can also install an antivirus, if one is available for your phone.

  13. Yes.  It can.

  14. yes its possible that it has been hacked.. this happens through the bluetooth keep it off when you're not using it

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