
Can your due date on the Ultrasound be incorrect???

by Guest45137  |  earlier

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In my opinion, I am 8 weeks pregnant, and I went for my first ultrasound and the tech said I was 6 weeks, I asked if she was sure, and she said, there is no way I am 8 weeks!! My period and ovulation was totally regular, so I am assuming that my calculations are correct ......... I am trying really hard not to think that there is something wrong with the little one, as I have previously miscarried, I know its only two weeks difference, but I think that is a lot ...... Any advice??




  1. Two weeks is alot.  

    You need to find out it the ultrasound was 6 weeks from gestation, that would make you 8 weeks.

    Hope I'm not confusing you.

    If however you are sure that you are 8 weeks and measure 6 weeks, than that's not good.

    I too have miscarried and had a similar situation.

    The baby was not growing properly and I did miscarry.  

    Hope everything works out for you.

  2. Based on the sonogram I am 37 weeks pregnant, but based on my period which has always been normal I would be  39 weeks pregnant now. I know people only say it's two weeks, but trust me at this point in my pregnancy it is a big deal. There really is nothing you can do but wait for your baby to get here. I think that babies grow at different rates so ultrasounds are definitely an estimate.

  3. Don't worry hunn, your periods may not have been irregular but women can conceive at any time during the month, you just may not have been ovulating at the normal 14days after your period. (That's why we're always told we can get pregnant at any time during the month) I was sure I was alot further along then I was too, but after 6 ultrasounds, I'm now 21 weeks and they're sure! lol I think it's a lot of wishful thinking too because the first trimester goes by so slowly. Just wait for your 20 week ultrasound to be sure, but I'm sure that both you and your baby are perfectly fine! Start taking those prenatals!! Lots of luck!

  4. I am struggling with this exact thing right now. I know I am 20 weeks as of Monday, but when I went in for my 1sr ultrasound 2 weeks ago (when I was 18weeks) the tech said I was measuring at 16 weeks, if that were so then I would have gotten pregnant, then had a normal period, which does not happen! Anyway, I talked to my doc and she said that they go by the ultrasound because it's the most accurate form of technology they have...even AFTER the doc said I was measuring at 18 !!! So, I am sticking with my original numbers, and if I am late, ok and if I am early, NEVER know when the baby is going to decide to come!!

  5. I would go with what the ultrasound said. They are more accurate.  

  6. Early ultrasounds can only be off by 4 days either way so if the tech said 6 wks then you are about 6 wks with their measurments and how the baby is developed.  Did you see a heartbeat?  By 8 wks you would have seen a strong heartbeat on the screen.  

  7. ha dont even get me started with ultrasound dates.  I had a total of 4 u/s  and the last 2 gave me different due dates.  They were off from the orginal due date by almost 4 weeks!!!  The last one was a growth check and it said I was 40 weeks when I was 35 weeks.   So that was very stressful.  But my doc said that the first ultrasound is the most reliable because that is when the baby is at a average size.  As the baby grows, it grows at its own pace that may not add up with the "average" sizes that doctors go by. IM 38 weeks and still no baby so the first u/s was right.

  8. yes they can be wrong... when i have been pregnant with both of my kids, my ultrasound and blood test dates were very different and i knew there was no way i was that far pregnant going by their dates... turns out the ultrasound just goes by the measurements of the baby at the time... so you r probably right with your dates but you could have a larger than average baby.... good luck

  9. the ultrasound is usually only off my 3 days either way.  I would trust what the tech said, and go in for another ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure the baby is progessing.

  10. Ultrasounds are not 100% accurate.  I was given six due dates ranging from December 23 to March 15 and there were 4 in between.  I ended up having the baby "2 weeks early" on February 4, but how did they know she was 2 weeks early? They changed the due date every single time I had an ultrasound!

    Don't trust the ultrasound too much, they are really just guessing.  They are educated guesses, but they are still just guesses.

  11. they do it to me every time im pregnant i just go by my own and there right so dont worry too much im pregnant with 8 7th bub due to a loss good luck hun

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