
Can your ears bleed???

by Guest66567  |  earlier

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Can your ears bleed???




  1. yeah, duh. my friends starts blleding ig she gets to much water in em

  2. Yes they can. In fact I have a condition where skin grows over the ear drum which becomes irritated and causes bleeding. I will wake to find blood on my pillow. This is a fairly common condition for those with Lupus.

  3. Yes your ears can bleed. If your ears pop or you are hit with a large impact.

  4. hmmmm...good question...

  5. YES!

    I think this can happen if you are subjected to an accident such as a large impact.

  6. With trauma, yes, your ears can bleed.

  7. Yes, it is very possible for your ears to bleed. If you are subjected to extremely loud noises or brain trauma <i>(such as if your brain expands due to an over production in fluids)</i>
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