
Can your eye color change naturally?

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like without the use of contacts or surgical procedures?

cos i have a friend and she has blue eyes but in winter they go brown then back to blue.




  1. wut? really??? OMG!!! If that is the case let me tell you that when I get mad my farts become like this big demon shapes but when I am happy they seem to be like fluffy unicorns

  2. The sun does not change the pigmentation of your eye color. It is the percieved appearance of your eye color, depending on the type and angle of light. Also, it is absurd that pigmentation in eye color, which is genetically determined in uetero, can change depending on the seasons. Since eye pigmentation is indeed a genetically determined trait, it is therefore permanent. The only case for actual change in pigmentation of the eye color is in children under the age of 3 years, when the melanin is still in the developmental stage. It occurs very rarely at the onset of puberty. Therefore, what is perceived as a change in eye color in differet light settings, is not a change in the eye pigmentation itself, only the perception of the eye color. However, eye color change may possibly occur in the event of severe trauma changing stress and hence, hormone levels, as well as disease. Therefore, unless you desire to undergo these drastic preconditions for the sake of changing your eye color, keeping in mind that the results are not garanteed, you should remain content with what creation has provided you. Surgeries can be performed to change your eye color, however, inadvisable since you leave your eyes prone to certain and detrimental effects to your vision. If you must change your eye color, the safest method to do so is through the implementation of eye contact lenses.

  3. Yeah! And my eyes turn rainbow and neon red! Wow, all of these comments are bullsh*t.  To honestly answer your question, no, you cant naturally change your eye color.

  4. i dont really like the fact that my eyes change color.... its really annoying. people ask me and it bugs. Any help on how to keep that from happening???

  5. mine change from day to day its really really anoying because they could be blue in the morning depneding on how i slept and by the after noon depending on my day will change to hazle its really freaky but i calm my emotions to keep them at a bluey green most of the time

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